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If you’re like me, child of the 80’s, teen in the 90’s, then you know what M.A.S.K. was. For me, it was one of my favorite toys in the 80’s and I was a pretty big fan of the series as well. I was, and am, very familiar with M.A.S.K., but what I was not aware of, was Vor-Tech.

In 1996 Kenner, along with Universal Cartoon Studios, decided they wanted to do a sort of, reboot, on the M.A.S.K. concept and offer it up to a new generation. They came up with an idea and a new cartoon series was created with a similar concept.

In 1996 Vor-Tech: Undercover Conversion Squad hit the airwaves! It was a Canadian- American collaboration and based off the Kenner property and, It did not last long. One season to be exact, 13 episodes. If you would like to watch it today, and good luck! The series was never released on video and as far as I know, it is not airing in syndication.

The cartoon told the story of Hudson Roarke and his team of undercover agents who had been tasked with the mission of stopping Hudson’s older brother Damian! Damian, who now went by the totally bad ass moniker of Lord Matrix, was hell bent on infecting the world with a techno-plague virus alongside his treacherous "Bio Mechs". To me, a techno-plague sounds like a virus that addicts one to EDM but I digress.

In their battle with the Bio Mechs, Vor-Tech uses a specialized computer enhanced with “Vor-technology” which gives both them, and their vehicles. Special abilities. Their vehicles and transform into armored, fighting vehicles, and they even wore masks!

Vehicles and characters were on the same 2” scale as M.A.S.K, and quite a few of the vehicles either looked close to, or were taken directly from, M.A.S.K. molds. One of the few differences between the two was the articulation of the figures. Vor-Tech figures had an odd stance and did not offer the knee joints we find in our M.A.S.K. team.

Now, I might be biased, but when compared side by side to M.A.S.K. these are… ok. Seriously, something about them just fails to hit with me. That’s not to say they’re bad just, not as good. The paint schemes make them look cheaper somehow, and just a little less cool. At first, I wondered why they hadn’t simply re-launched the M.A.S.K. series, I mean both G.I. Joe and Transformers have had multiple successful iterations, but now, having seen the lesser version of vehicles they produced, I’m kind of glad they didn’t. I’m not saying they’re horrible just… well lesser. They seemed to miss what made M.A.S.K. what it was, those little details weren’t there, the realism the vehicles managed to capture, and the cool spring-loaded weapons.

One series, seven vehicles, hit the market. From what information I have found out there, Kenner planned to produce another series which would have included another five vehicles. Those plans were nixed when consumers showed little interest in the line, and much like the series, the toy line ended on a cliffhanger!

When I went to price these I was stunned. Places like eBay are really the only places you can find these and to me, what they are asking, is ridiculous. They aren’t well known, although likely difficult to come by, but we are talking hundreds for open boxed toys. Are they worth it? Who am I to say? They don’t hold the nostalgia for me but that doesn’t mean they might not for someone. Personally if I were going to drop $150 on a transforming car toy I would be hunting down vintage M.A.S.K. but I suppose if you were a kid in 1996 who watched the series you might feel different, and that is what’s so awesome about toy collecting! We all have our favorites and we all hold theme dear for personal reasons.

It has been awesome sharing another play date with you my friends! As we mentioned before, please check us out on Facebook and please buy some cool stuff from our sponsor Entertainment Earth!

For now that is all my friends but before we part ways remember that when it comes to Rewind Toys, the Hunt is Half the Fun! Until next time, this is Jason Emmitt, signing off!

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